Friday, October 20, 2017


On November 5th, 2009, I made my first trial run to make sure I understood all of the instructions for posting a blog.  I wrote nine words:  THIS IS MY FIRST POSTING OF MY NEW BLOG.  It worked, and now, somewhere near 3100 posts later, I am "beginning again."

Originally, my Pastor literally guided me through creating this, my "world-wide ministry," because I had been hospitalized with severe blood-clots in nearly every "branch" of my lungs.  He had asked if he could pray for me, and I said that if he did, he had to ask the Lord that if I was to continue to live, the He would provide me with some kind of ministry.  The rest is history.

Today, I am returning to my computer after being "missing in action" for a couple of days.  I was unable to sleep on Wednesday evening due to three very uncomfortable hours of "chest pains."  It wasn't really severe pain like you see in the movies, so I wasn't sure it was my heart.  Finally, I woke my wife (bless her sweet heart - no pun intended) and she drove me to the emergency room.  She spent nearly every minute by my bedside for about the next 48 hours. After "thousands" of blood-draws, breathing treatments, tests in medicine's newest diagnostic marvels, the results are in:  I have a small constriction in the lower muscle of my heart, and my cardiologist wants to try some medicine before giving me a heart cath.  I am on blood-thinner, and that does not go well with heart caths.  So now, we have to make appointments with him, and with pneumatology, to add more doctors' visits to the already full time chauffeuring by my dear wife.  So, if anyone out there feels like praying for me, be sure to add:  "If it is Your will that Skip remains in this sin-sick world, then let him continue his blog!"  I would much rather be absent and present with the Lord (via the Rapture preferably - LOL)!

As irony would have it, the very night I experienced my "heart attack," the internet decided my blog address was not valid!  As a result, I am, in a way, testing to see if all is back to normal.  My previous blog address was and while it was not working, I simply removed the www. and it worked ( ). So whichever works for you, please add me to your favorites, and share in spreading God's Word as an old retired sailor understands it!  God bless, and let me know if you got this.


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