Monday, December 12, 2011


I have heard it said, "Never let the good be the enemy of the great." The idea, when applied to the Church, is that many Christians become satisfied with making it through this life unscathed, and fail to live their lives rescuing others. How many times have you heard a sermon on Ephesians 6:10-17, which speaks of "the armor of God?" The preacher reminds us that we are involved in spiritual warfare (v. 12), and we need to "be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (v. 11). He explains each piece of our armor, and emphasizes that we are to stand against Satan's attacks. Unfortunately, because Paul used the words "stand" and "withstand" three times (v. 11, 13, 14), many get the impression that we are to "hold our ground" while Satan attacks us.

In reality, Satan's attacks should be "counter attacks." Jesus said, "... I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). Gates are meant to serve two purposes: they allow those within to exit, and they are meant to prevent outsiders from entering. I think we can all agree that born again believers are not "residents of hell." The Church is not attempting to escape. We are on the outside, and Satan does not want us to have access to those he has deceived. He uses the gates to protect his "possessions." Christians are to attack the gates in order to rescue those blinded by Satan's "wiles."

To support my view, let's take a look at the pieces of armor.
1) We are to have our loins gird (be prepared to advance - v. 14).
2) We are to have a breastplate which protects only our front, not our backside (v. 14).
3) We are to have shoes on and be ready to advance (v. 15).
4) We have a shield which protects only our front (we must face our enemy - v. 16).
5) We are to protect "our head" with a helmet (our mind must be focused upon our standing with Christ - we are saved, and therefore, will never die - v. 17 and Jn. 11:26).
6) We are to have a sword, which is an offensive weapon (v. 17).
7) We are to pray (cast all our care upon Him - v. 18; 1 Pet. 5:7). Although prayer is not preached as part of our armor, it is clearly the most important weapon available to us. "Sevens" in our relationship with God, like this seventh "weapon," is the number of rest. It was the day God rested (Gen. 2:2). It is the day believers are to rest (Lk. 13:14). It is a picture of the seventh dispensation, the Millennium, in which believers will rest in the presence of God (Rev. 20:2-4).

I do not believe Christians are to prepare for life's battles simply to survive, simply to remain undefeated. I believe we are to be prepared to storm the gates of hell. If we focus upon our eternal destiny, as believers, we fail to accomplish the work God has saved us to do. We are to take the Gospel to every creature that is held captive inside Satan's gates. We are to attack with the Sword, the Word of God, the Gospel of salvation. Our "works" are to glorify God (Matt. 5:16). Nothing glorifies God more than to bring others to Him. We can stand still and be undefeated, or we can attack the gates of hell and be conquerors.

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