Monday, July 23, 2012


In a day when it seems disaster is all around us, it is easy to become overwhelmed with fear.  The news is dominated by stories of nut-cases slaughtering movie-goers, terrorists blowing themselves up to "take a few infidels" with them, our government weighing the options on entering another foreign conflict (Syria), our country's economy in the toilet, unemployment and underemployment at an all-time high, the constant political mention of "dealing with entitlements" by politicians who haven't even passed a budget in over three years, etc.!  I would almost be worried if people weren't fearful!

And yet, for the mature born again believer, there seems to be a combination of peace and acceptance that everything is under control.  While the lost person says, "We need new leaders," and the immature believer says, "We need to stockpile supplies and be prepared to defend ourselves with "safe rooms" and fire power, there are those who believe what the Word of God has to say about our times, and live in the rest our Lord has given us (Jn. 14:27; 16:33)!  "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose" (Rom. 8:28).  We not only believe the Gospel which shows how much God loves us, but we trust Him with every aspect of our lives (Jn. 3:16; 1 Cor. 15:1-4; etc.).

While there are dozens of verses in the Bible which tell us of people placing their trust in the Lord, there are seven verses which specifically direct us to "trust in the Lord."  They are:  Psalms 4:5; 37:3, 5; 115:9-10; Proverbs 3:5; and Isaiah 26:4.  In addition, there are many verses which say "trust the Lord."  There are twenty-four in Psalms, four in Proverbs, seven in Isaiah, five in Jeremiah, and two in Philippians.  And, of course, there are hundreds of verses that say we are to "believe."  The word "believe" appears eighty-five times in the Gospel of John alone!

Trusting God in the present is the hardest thing to do.  Of course, we can look back and remember those times He has come through for us in the past, but while we are "in the fire," we often let our eyes overpower our memory.  I honestly believe those who succumb to fear in their current circumstances, can have little faith in God's control of their future.  The only solution I can offer those who live in fear of the present and the future, is read the last three chapters of Revelation!

The battle is awful, but I have good news!  We win!

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