Saturday, June 20, 2015


There are two things that usually unite people:  the first is having a common enemy.  For example, the 9/11 Terrorists attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, united Americans and U.S. flag sales soared!  The vast majority of the American people and those elected to Congress, forgot party-politics and supported the President's call for a military response. 

The second, is having a common goal.  Natural disasters, such as a flood, a tsunami, a tornado, a hurricane, an earthquake, etc., also produce a joint effort, often by citizens of many nations, to help those whose lives are torn apart by the tragedy.

Unfortunately, there are far more things that divide people.  Today's headlines, and the media's top stories, are filled with reports that spark outrage and division.  White cops are being hunted by Black assassins, regardless of whether or not the individual officers are guilty of a racial crime.  To blame all White officers for the hateful actions of a few, is, in itself, racist!  Cops who act inappropriately, should be charged with criminal abuse of power by their very peers!  Cops need to hold other cops, accountable for their actions; if that were the case, there would not be a hostile Black response!

Religion is another source of division.  There is a major split in Islam between the majority Sunnis and the minority Shiites.  They hate one another, and even destroy each other's mosques.  However, when it comes to infidels (anyone who fails to acknowledge Allah as God), they are united; the ultimate honor is awarded to those who die in Islam's war against everyone else.  It is as though Christians from the Dark Ages, were reincarnated as Muslims living today. 

Speaking of Christians, they fight (although not to the death usually) over issues such as abortion, gay marriage, mode of baptism, women's role in the church, and even a motto printed on American currency.  Sadly, the tactics and dialogue used to defend "the truth," is often contrary to what Jesus taught His disciples.  Humility and love of neighbor go by the wayside, so that people holding "the wrong views," can be badgered into submission.  That tactic hasn't worked very well so far!

So, what is the solution?  Honestly, there is none!  Man is sinful, and even though born again believers are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, we are constantly quenching and grieving Him by our attitudes, our words, and our actions.  Yes, born again believers are still prone to sin (Rom. 7:14-25)!  The good news is, we won't always be!  The Word of God tells us that God is at work, changing us into the image of His dear Son!  The bad news is, it will not be complete during this lifetime!  We read in 1 John 3:2 (my favorite Bible verse for the hope it gives me), "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is."  

That glorious day cannot come soon enough for me!
I cannot wait until I am no longer a hypocrite!


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