Saturday, January 1, 2011


Every year, television news programs have a recap of the "triumphs and tragedies" of the year that is coming to a close. It seems to me that the "good" always outweighs the "bad" during these shows, and it makes me wonder why their daily news shows seem to be so heavily focused on the "bad." Suicide bombers, wars, anti-government rioters, mine disasters, famines, financial collapses, transportation disasters, and crime dominate the news hour. Add to that the fires, mudslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, etc., and you have about ninety-nine percent of the daily news show. And yet, the recap of the year's memorable events is far more positive.

As each year ends, the "closet Nostradamuses" spring forth with their version of what the next year holds in store. Astrologers and psychics are in high demand, and although their previous year's predictions were close to zero percent accurate, people still want to hear what they forecast. The bottom line is, no one knows what the future holds in store for the world, for our nation, or even for us as individuals. Disease, disaster, and death, though inevitable, are unpredictable. It is amazing how many "surprises" past years provided us; we either look back at them with great pride, or with great sadness. Notice that I said "great" with both. It is only the "big things" that are remembered, and every individuals list of "big things" varies. Putting things into perspective, all the events, good and bad, are viewed subjectively. The death of a famous person is often seen as tragic, but it pales when compared to one losing a spouse or a child.

As I sit here writing my first blog post for the year 2011, I look back at the previous year with mixed emotions. We had two great-grandchildren born last year. I rejoice that we did not have to see a doctor for any serious ailment during 2010, and although a year older, the entropy of our old vessels was not particularly noticeable. We celebrate the fact that none of our family, and very few friends passed away during the year. I rejoice that I completed one full year of daily blog posts, and even though my readership is remarkably low, I still feel the Lord is using me to be a blessing to the few the Holy Spirit brings to read them. We were able to refinance our home, to pay our tithe to our church, and stay current on every bill. We have much for which to be thankful. From our perspective, 2010 was a pretty good year, all things considered.

On this, the first day of the New Year, we can also rejoice that we are another year closer to seeing our Lord and Savior. The Bible is filled with prophecies concerning the comings of the Lord; His First Advent was foretold and literally fulfilled about two thousand years ago. Because we believe the Bible is the Word of God, and that God makes no mistakes, we also believe Christ's coming for His Church and Second Advent will be fulfilled literally, as well. This year may be the year He returns. This year may be the year that our lost loved ones come to know Him. This year may be the year that He takes us home to be with Him forever. I do not pretend to know what 2011 holds in store for the world, or for us; but, I am absolutely certain that God is in control, and that for us as Christians, it will be good (Rom. 8:28-29)! Happy New Year!

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