Monday, April 30, 2012


Clarence Larkin, in his book, Dispensational Truth, wrote concerning Bible typology:  "The New is in the Old contained; the Old is by the New explained."  He was referring to the Old and New Testaments.  Larkin continued, "You cannot understand Leviticus without Hebrews, or Daniel without Revelation, or the Passover, or Isaiah 53 without the Gospel account of the Crucifixion."  In other words, the Old foretells what to expect, and the New gives us an explanation of what happened in the past.  Larkin gave for an illustration,  the "Brazen Serpent" (Num. 21:6-9) and the "Cross,"  of which Jesus spoke in John 3:14-15 

 A "type" is an example, a "shadow," a picture of what will occur in the future.  The Apostle Paul put it this way:  "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples (τύπος - examples): and they are written for our admonition (νουθεσία - warning), upon whom the ends of the world (αἰών - age; in this case, the Church Age) are come" (1 Cor. 10:11).

Of all the Old Testament "types," Joseph is, by far, the most typical of Jesus.  Larkin mentioned these:

* Joseph was "beloved" of his father; so was Jesus.

* Joseph was God's gift to his brethren; so was Jesus.

* Joseph's brethren rejected him; so did Jesus'.

* Joseph was falsely accused; so was Jesus.

* Joseph was temporarily entombed in a prison; Jesus was temporarily entombed in the grave.

* Joseph was "resurrected" from the prison; Jesus is "the Resurrection."

* Joseph provided bread for the people; Jesus is "the Bread of Life."

* Joseph was married to a Gentile bride; Jesus' bride will be of the Gentiles.

* Joseph knew his brethren on their first visit; Jesus knew His brethren His First Coming.

* Joseph's brethren did not recognize him; Jesus' brethren did not recognize Him.

* Joseph's brethren recognized him on their second visit; Jesus' brethren will recognize Him at His Second Coming.

* Joseph made his brethren citizens of his kingdom; Jesus makes us citizens of His Kingdom.

We read the Old to know what to expect; 
We read the New to learn what God expects of us.



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