Friday, April 8, 2016


There are thousands of false religions in our world today, and sadly, many of them profess to be Christian.  Denominations abound, each with one or two doctrines that separate them from the rest.  It is my view, however, that the only people who are genuine Christians, are born again believers.  That is, individuals, who regardless of their affiliation, understand that salvation is the free gift offered to all who will put their trust in the finished work of Christ - He died for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was buried, and He was raised from the dead according to the same Scriptures (Eph. 2:8; 1 Cor. 15:3-4; etc.)!  No works we can do will save us, nor will works keep us saved; we are saved and kept by the will of God (Jn. 1:11-13; Rom. 8:35-39; Eph. 1:10; 2:9-10; 4:30; Phil. 1:6; etc.)!  It is quite possible that there are born again believers in many, if not all denominations of the church, and God has seen fit to use them there to share the truth about Him.  However, based upon my observation of how things work, the moment they share the truth within their churches, they will be rejected and the Lord will lead them to a sound, biblical ministry.  Darkness can not afford to allow light to remain. 

One of the two modern day false teachings, Replacement Theology, has slithered its way into the vast majority of churches.  Basically, it teaches that because Israel rejected Jesus Christ, that God no longer considers the Jews His people, but has replaced them with the Church.  These are folks who fail to comprehend dispensations, and who totally ignore Daniel 9:24-27.  In this passage, we find that 483 years (69 "weeks") has passed, but there remains one "week," which is appointed to the Jewish people:  The Seven-year Tribulation (Mt. 24:1-29; Rev. 6 - 18; a.k.a. The Time of Jacob's Trouble - Jer. 30:7).  Following the Tribulation, Christ literally rules over the Davidic Kingdom for 1000 years, the Kingdom for which Israel has been longing (Rev. 20:1-15)!  They also forget that Romans chapters 9-11 speak of the Jews being "temporarily set aside" so the Gentiles might be saved!  Following the "times of the Gentiles," all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11:23-36)!

The other rapidly growing false teaching is known as the "Hebrew Roots Movement."  It claims to be Christian, but it advocates the return and adherence to the first century walk of faith and obedience to the Torah, including observing the Jewish Feasts of the Lord, Sabbath worship, and the use of Hebrew names for God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  In other words, it says that Christians are still bound by the Law of Moses.  This movement is not new by any means of the imagination.  The Apostle Paul spent much of his time dealing with such folks.  In fact, the entire Book of Galatians is Paul's argument against it!  The early Church struggled with such false teachings within the disciples themselves.  It was not until Acts 15 that Paul was able to convince them that the Jewish Law did not apply to Christianity.  Finally, the best indication that God is not "fond" of the Hebrew Roots Movement, is that the truth about salvation is written in the GREEK New Testament!

His name is Jesus - He is Lord - He is coming again for His Church! 

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