Sunday, August 22, 2010


I woke up early this morning to shave, take a shower, and get ready for church. Having done all of that, I dressed in front of a fan because I was sweating profusely. When time came to leave, I was drenched. I told Judy that I thought maybe my blood pressure was high due to the work we did on a fence yesterday. You have to picture this: I drove in five metal fence poles into soft ground with a sledge hammer and I had to sit down and rest. I repeated the above one more time, and this time the rest had to be much longer. I helped Judy unroll the three foot tall wire fence and she attached it to the poles. All I did was hold the roll; she did all the work. Again, I rested, but this time for much longer than before. I then removed about thirty screws holding a lattice between two plastic poles and needed a rest about half way. I was using an electric drill so it wasn't a great deal of work. Another rest, and I dug up a fence post, which I was unable to lift out of the hole. I was finished! My grandson-in-law, who arrived later and who weighs 145 at the most, took one look at the post and pulled it out, broke the concrete off of the bottom, and grinned that awful grin that says, "You're gettin' old, old man." He's right.

It is very humbling to be so weak and have so little stamina. I am the guy who played football with Roger Staubach in the Navy. I am the guy who lifted a Volkswagen up so my daughter could put jack-stands under it. I am the guy who played sports most of my life: baseball, softball, football, tennis, badminton, golf, judo, etc.; I was always involved in something. Now, I get light-headed walking to the mailbox. I spend my entire day sitting in front of the TV or the computer. My arms get tired holding a newspaper, and the muscles in my neck tire from holding my head up. Physically, I am a disaster.

The hardest part of growing old, other than the aches and pains, is needing help. I can't even mow the grass with a riding lawnmower. I am totally dependent upon, and at the mercy, of others. About the only thing worse than my current situation would be to need nursing care in a home. My advice to anyone reading this is that you spend as much time as you can helping others when you are young, because it won't be too long before you are going to need those same people to help you. Thank God I have a daughter (and her husband) who loves and respects what I have done for her over the years. I don't know what we would do without their help.

One of the things I love most about being part of a super congregation is that all I would have to do is tell someone of a need, and before long, somebody would show up at our door to help. I hesitate doing that however, because those willing to help are so busy helping others that I don't want to add to their burden. I miss being in Sunday school and church today; I miss being with those who are like-minded, and whose friendship provides such joy, just seeing their faces. Lord willing, I will be fine soon. One thing I know for sure: one day I will never again be sick, tired, sinning, and just plain stupid. One day I will be like Him.

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