Tuesday, November 25, 2014




In the days of Noah men were very wicked and God had to judge them (Gen. 6:5-7).In the days before Christ comes men will be very wicked (Mt.24:12) and God will have to judge the world.
In the days of Noah men made fun of Noah and did not believe that God would really send a flood.In the days before the coming of Christ men will make fun of what the Bible says and will not believe that Christ is coming again (see 2 Pet. 3:3-4).
In the days of Noah God waited a LONG TIME before sending judgment. God waited 120 years during which time Noah built the ark (Gen. 6:3). In the days before Christ comes God will be very LONGSUFFERING (2 Pet. 3:9). For the past 2000 years God has been waiting and giving men an opportunity to be saved.
In the days before the flood Enoch was taken to heaven before God judged the world (Gen. 5:24.).In the days before Christ returns to the earth believers will be taken to heaven before the world is judged (Jn 14:3; 1 Thes. 4:13-18).
In the days of Noah the wicked people were surprised by the flood. They were eating and drinking and doing other normal things. Suddenly the flood came and destroyed them! Then it was too late (Mt. 24:36-39). There will be wicked people who will be completely surprised when Christ comes to judge the world. They will be eating and drinking and doing other normal things. Suddenly Christ will come, and then it will be too late!
In the days of Noah found grace, and his family were left on the earth. After the flood those in the ark were still alive and their job was to multiply and repopulate the earth (1 Pet. 3:20; Gen. 9:1).In the day when Christ returns, people who are saved by grace, will be left on the earth. These people will remain on the earth and will become part of Christ’s kingdom (Mt. 25:34). Their job will be to multiply and repopulate the earth
In the days of Noah the wicked people were taken away (Mt. 24:38-39). This means that they were destroyed by the flood. In the day when Christ returns the wicked people will be taken away (Mt. 24:40-41; Lk. 17:34-37). This means that God will judge them and they will be removed from the earth (Mt. 13:41-42).

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