Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I appreciate the fact that we should be thankful every day of the year, but to have a special holiday to remind us is most needful for me. You see, I watch the news on television. And even if I choose Fox News, I still feel sad and depressed. If it isn't reporting the abduction of a child by someone, it is reporting weather disasters, lying politicians, trapped miners, plane crashes, etc. It is enough to make one find a cave and hide; wait, a cave is a lot like a mine! Never mind. You get the picture though - life is full of bad news.

I know, instead of a cave, I will focus only on good news. But how do I filter out only the good news? If I did find a way, would I still be able to read my e-mails and Facebook? Would I still be able to answer the phone? It is clear that magazines and news papers are out. Would I have to restrict my conversations to those who are always positive? If so, I don't actually know anyone that fits that description. Actually, I couldn't even read my Bible, because it is filled with men and women who suffered disaster, usually due to their own choices. When it comes right down to it, there is not a single thing which does not reveal a world tainted by sin and its consequences. One would almost be better off if they had been born like Helen Keller; but if I remember correctly, even she was miserable until she was able to communicate. There seems to be no hope of peace and joy in this world.

But wait! I think I have discovered a way to enjoy my life and still interact with the world around me. Instead of focusing upon the bad, the evil, the sad, the sin, etc., I will do my own filtering of things. I will focus on the good news, and pray for those suffering tragedy. I will enjoy family and friends, and pray for the areas in their lives that are not Christ-like. I will read my Bible and focus on the cure for sin, and not the consequences. I will keep the "finish line" in sight, instead of focusing upon the obstacles along the path. I will be thankful for the ability to discern the difference between right and wrong, between good and bad, between friend and foe, between this world and the glorious world to come. I will have hope instead of despair. I will have faith instead of doubt. I will have love instead of fear....

Oh, who do I think I am kidding? I am a person who sees the glass half empty. I am a pessimist. All I can do is wait. I must wait for the day when I will no longer be like me, but will be like Him. That is something for which to be very thankful: the knowledge that one day, I will be like Jesus! No more Romans Seven struggles. No more sin, fear, doubt, hate, etc. I will be like my Jesus! Oh, Lord God, for that knowledge, I am eternally thankful! Come Lord Jesus! 1 John 3:2; 5:13; Revelation 22:20

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