Tuesday, November 23, 2010


One need only read the New Testament's presentation of the relationship born-again Christians have with Father God, to know that we are truly blessed. Even the words used to express our position in Christ tell us why we should be thankful. Words like: Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Salvation, Reconciliation, Justification, Sanctification, Glorification, Sons (and Daughters) of God, etc. It boggles the mind to try to comprehend how blessed we are as believers in Christ! I am so thankful!

The vast majority of scientists, on the other hand, seem bent to "prove" there is no God. I recently saw a television program on Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and I came away with a few thoughts. If you really think about it, E=MC2 is actually saying that you and I are nothing more than potential energy, especially me since my mass is so large. Ha Ha (laughing with you). If there was a way to get me moving at the speed of light squared, I would become pure energy. Regardless of his being called a genius, his theory reduces you and me to the importance of coal, oil, rocks, trees, etc. God said He made us in His image and likeness, so does that mean God is no more than pure energy? I cannot prove it, but I believe there is a vast difference between energy and spirit. For one thing, the Holy Spirit has a mind and the ability to recognize right from wrong, while energy is nothing more than a thing. I am thankful that I have faith!

Science has made many contributions for the improvement of life, and for them, I am grateful. However, it has done far more harm than good, in that it has contributed to billions of people going to hell. By challenging the Bible's teaching on Creation, with its Theory of Relativity, its "Big Bang" Theory, its Theory of Evolution, and with its amoral teaching that man is the epitome of life resulting from nothing more than our survival of the fittest, science has quite effectively managed to negate the effectiveness of the Bible to save souls. At least in that respect, science and Satan are twins. Satan did nothing more than cast doubt on what God had told Adam and Eve. He did not force them to sin, nor does science force man to reject God's Word, but the result is identical. At one time, I had "bought what science is selling," but I thank God that He opened my eyes to His truth!

From the time I entered school until I graduated from college, I was constantly bombarded with diagrams of monkeys turning into modern man, the philosophies of men who obviously did not believe in God, and the teachings of anthropology, sociology, and psychology, which all attempted to excuse sin as being the result of the nature/nurture continuum. In other words, a man was the product of genetics and social interaction, so what he did was the natural outcome of who he was. According to science, the conscience is a product of "brain-washing" and therefore nothing more than artificially imposed inhibitions. When I came to faith in Jesus Christ, I did so because I realized I was a sinner needing a Savior. I thank God for conviction!

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