Tuesday, June 17, 2014


When one thinks of "weapons of mass destruction," he usually thinks of nuclear weapons, biological weapons, or chemical weapons.  That is logical, but it is far too narrow, far too limited, as to what kills massive amounts of people in a short time.  Murderous ideologies not only kill just as many people in a relatively short time, they are not limited to a "ground zero."  They are capable of killing thousands of people in many nations, all at the same time! 

Islam, repeated described as a "religion of peace" by those in power, is anything but!  The very name, "Islam," means "submission."  In other words, in order to be a Muslim, one must submit to the teachings of the Koran (Qur'an).  The penalty for refusing, regardless of one's reason, is to be put to death (ironically, the modern Jihadists who supposedly insist on total obedience to the Koran, fail to do so themselves; more often than not, they blow-up or shoot their "enemies," rather than behead them as the Koran demands)!

Unlike the teaching of the Old Testament of the Bible, where God ordered Israel to rid the "promised land" of all non-Jews, the teaching of the Koran is for all lands, and for all time.   Devout Muslims are to force non-Muslims to convert to Islam, or suffer death!  While for some that appears as a "mere technicality," it makes all the difference in the world!  God didn't tell the Jews to force non-Jews into converting to Judaism, or be slaughtered; He told them to drive all non-Jews out of a specific territory.  Had they left of their own accord, not a single inhabitant of that land would have been killed.  But, because they were, and many still are today, determined to eradicate the Jews, they were victims of the wars that followed.

Knowing that the Muslim goal is world domination, for someone to call Islam "a religion of peace" is absorbed!  Islam, according to its own teachings, is determined to make the entire planet Muslim.  Today, there are thousands of cells of Islamic terrorists throughout the world.  They are not only a threat to nations like France, England, Russia, and the United States, they are a threat to Islamic nations such as Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, as well.  Basically, every other nation on the planet is in danger, once they have conquered their primary targets.

One person on Facebook, in response to the news reports of the increasing Islamic insanity, posted the comment, "we are all doomed."  I do not believe that to be true.  While it is true that he Bible teaches there will be "wars and rumors of wars" world-wide, and that there will be a seven-year Tribulation period, it also promises born again believers, those who trust Christ for their salvation, will be removed prior to a hell breaking out (Jn. 14:1-3; 1 Thes. 4:13-18; Rev. 3:10; etc.)!  The Lord will return for His true believers prior to "Daniel's Seventieth Week" (Dan. 9:27; Mt. 24:3-29; Rev. 6-18; etc.)!  That is why the Gospel (Rom. 10:9-10; 1 Cor. 15:1-4; Eph. 2:8-9; etc.) is called "The Good News!"

If this life was all there is, then fear is to be expected; but it isn't, praise God! 


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