Friday, October 15, 2010


In the last twenty-four hours, my great granddaughter slammed her finger in a door, broke her finger, and had to have numerous stitches while wide awake (she is not quite two, so you can imagine the trauma emotionally and physically). Her dad had to leave work and rush her to the Georgetown, Kentucky hospital, only to be told they could not handle her case because it was too difficult. He then had to rush her to the hospital in Lexington, where they are apparently far more competent. Amidst the screaming, the frantic rushing here and there, Hope had to deal with self-imposed guilt and the criticism of others for "being a bad parent." Anyone who has had children knows that kids are a constant blur and it is impossible to watch them every second, especially when you have another child, and are trying to hold a yard sale. I am not sure who is worse, those who blame or the one blaming self. Only God can watch His Kid 24/7, and He died on a cross!

I am not sure why, but I was unable to sleep last night. I had to get up early to take Judy to the oral surgeon to have two teeth extracted, and with Alex's injury, perhaps I was just too stressed out. Anyway, as I was getting into the car to drive Judy to her appointment, I attempted to set my Styrofoam cup into the holder. It already had a cup in it, and the straw went right through the bottom of my freshly filled drink. When I pulled it up to see what had happened, the cup was "peeing" all over the place. I tried to throw it out the door into the garage, but it hit the steering wheel, and exploded. The car was drenched, I was drenched, and we needed to be on time. Judy got towels and we attempted to dry the car and me. It was too late to go in and change, so I wore my drenched clothes to her appointment. It has been nearly three hours and I am still cold!

Following her surgery, I had to take Judy's prescriptions to the Walgreen's. I gave them to the pharmacist and showed them Judy's I.D. They said it would take a "few minutes" so I drove Judy home and made sure she got to bed safely. When I returned to the pharmacy, they asked for her I.D. I told them I had taken her home and that I had already showed it to the other lady. After much discussion, none of it containing curse words, they finally were willing to accept my I.D. Judy has automatic withdrawal set up for Walgreen's, but the bank's computers were not on-line. I had no money. Judy's purse was at home. So I sat there, waiting for them to figure out what to do. Finally, they decided to call the bank and ask if her account had six dollars in it. When they were told it did, I finally got her medicine and left. By the way, I am still wet!

When all is said and done, I really haven't had that bad of a day. I had a bed in which to sleep four hours, I had a soft drink to spill, I didn't have my teeth pulled. I didn't break my finger and need a whole lot of stitches. I didn't have to put up with me at the pharmacy. And, while I would hope I am wrong, some of the characters in this saga are most likely lost and destined for hell. I have total confidence that my faith in Jesus will make the final chapter of life on this planet have a happy ending. And, I have a computer to write this on, and I have a few faithful readers who are probably laughing their heads off at my "terrible" day. I am laughing with you!

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