Monday, December 13, 2010


It seems that all the necessary ingredients are assembled for the "crowning" of the infamous antichrist. The economy has collapsed, with Greece being only the first of what could be dozens of countries to declare themselves bankrupt. There is a lunatic ruling Iran, who hates Israel so much that he is willing to sacrifice his entire nation over nuclear weaponry. War between them is inevitable; either Iran will succeed in becoming a nuclear power and destroy Israel, or Israel will execute preemptive strikes against Iran and begin World War III. Since the Bible declares that Israel will exist, though scattered until Christ returns, the latter is the most likely outcome. The same insanity is going on between North and South Korea.

It is ironic that the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons is leading the world's efforts to prevent two despots from acquiring them. In his arrogance, America's President Obama has insisted that Israel return land captured in a war against Israel in 1967, to those who are determined to destroy them. He even made a speech promising the Palestinian people that he would give them Jerusalem as the capital of their new nation. While it was once believed that America was powerful enough to force such a thing, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan have revealed that America is in fact, a "paper tiger." Most of the Arab nations have demonstrated, time and time again, that nothing Israel can do will quench their thirst for Israeli blood. The President's ignorance of the Bible is amazing, in that he claims to have been a twenty year member of a "Christian church" (having heard some of Jeremiah Wright's sermons, it is not surprising that he is not a strong supporter of Israel).

God told the father of the nation of Israel He would "...bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee..." (Gen. 12:3). In verse one of the same chapter, He told Abraham that He would give Abraham's people the land He later described in Genesis 15:18-21. Although Israel has yet to be in control of the entire land promised to them, it will one day possess all of the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. God declared that the land belonged to Him, and it was therefore His to give (Lev. 25:23; 2 Chron. 7:20; Isa. 14:25; Jer. 2:7; 16:18; Ezek. 36:5; 38:16; Joel 1:6; 3:2). Notice that God's covenant with Abraham was an everlasting covenant (Gen. 17:7-8).

In spite of his unearned Nobel Peace Prize, President Obama has absolutely no chance of producing peace in the Middle East, unless he is the antichrist. The only peace Israel will experience prior to the return of the Prince of Peace, is a false peace lasting just three and one half years (Dan. 9:27). It is doubtful that President Obama is the antichrist, due to the fact that Israel does not trust him well enough to sign the seven year peace agreement. The real villain will present himself as a friend to Israel, and will protect them from all the wars and rumors of war surrounding them (Matt. 24:6). Strange as it seems, even he recognizes the land belongs to God's people!

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