Sunday, December 26, 2010


It is funny that when we want others to believe us, we solicit the support of many witnesses, but when we do something wrong, we hope no one is looking. Nicodemus wanted to speak with Jesus, but out of fear of someone seeing them talking, he waited until it was dark (Jn. 3:1-2). Today, billions of people know about his visit to Jesus because of John's Gospel. Obviously something changed Nicodemus, because he publicly provided the very expensive myrrh for the Lord's burial (Jn. 19:39).

Over thirty years earlier, another event occurred at night that would be heralded around the world. God became flesh and dwelt among men (Jn. 1:1, 14). The advent was witnessed by lowly shepherds, and the multitude of the host of heaven (Lk. 2:9-20). The Lord's birth is recorded in the two Gospels which also identify Him by including His genealogy (Matt. 1:1-25; Lk. 2:1-7; Lk. 3:23-38).

Within the first year or so of His life, witnesses abounded. When His "parents" (Lk. 2:27, 41) took Him to the temple to be circumcised, Simon, a "just and devout" man who was told by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before seeing the Messiah, verified that the Child was the Christ (Lk. 25-35). An elderly prophetess, Anna, proves that one is never too old to be a witness for Jesus, for she "spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem" (Lk. 2:36-38).

As I mentioned in my post on December 22, 2010, by the time the "wise men" arrived, Jesus was about one year old. Herod's response is also a witness to the fact that the Messiah had been born, or he wouldn't have slaughtered the children (Matt. 2:1-18). His dastardly act verified the Lord's identity as it was foretold in Jeremiah 31:15.

Throughout His earthly sojourn, Jesus was recognized by many as the Messiah of Israel. The number of witnesses, including the angels, must be "as the stars in the sky," and "as the sand of the sea." In other words, innumerable. But compared to His Second Coming as King of kings and Lord of lords, the number pales. The Bible tells us that His return will be accompanied by the armies of heaven (Rev. 19:14). Notice the word "armies" is plural. I believe that His return will include not only the angels of heaven, but all of the redeemed as well. The armies are dressed in clean, fine linen, a phrase used to describe the clothing of the saints (Rev. 19:8). And there is the promise that wherever He is, His followers will be with Him (1 Thes. 4:17).

Finally, God's Word says that "every eye shall see Him" (Rev. 1:7). In addition to the redeemed and the Lord's angels, the fallen angels and the lost will witness His triumphal return and mourn (Matt. 24:30). You see, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess Christ (Rom. 14:11); everyone will be a witness for Christ. Wouldn't it be a shame if the number of lost who confess Him could have been smaller had you been a witness during your life?


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