Tuesday, September 30, 2014


In what the Bible calls the first six days of time, the beginning, God created a perfect heaven with the Sun, the Moon, and the stars also; and He created a perfect world with land and sea for the plants and animals, and He called it all good (Gen. 1:1-25).  Then the Lord made the first man, so perfect that he was described as being made in the image and likeness of God Himself; and when He had finished, He declared it to be very good (Gen. 1:26-31)! 

After God "rested," He made, within that perfect world, a wonderful garden, filled with fruit trees of every kind; this garden was the location of an abundance of springs, so many that they were the source of four rivers (Gen. 2:1-14).  God was concerned that the first man, Adam, had no mate with whom he could begin filling the earth with humanity, so He made a woman for Adam, a wife (Gen. 2:15-25).

Apparently things were a little different then, because when a serpent spoke to Adam's wife, she did not act as though an animal talking was unusual.  She actually had a conversation with it.  Adam's wife had heard from Adam, that he and she could eat from every tree but one, but the serpent convinced her that neither Adam, nor God, could not be trusted.  So, she took a bite.  Adam, on the other hand, knew exactly what God had said, and perhaps seeing his wife did not die, believed the serpent's lie, no longer trusting God:  he chose to defy God, and he ate as well (Gen. 3:1-6)!

Immediately, their understanding of the difference between good and evil became real to them!  They, for the first time, recognized they were both naked, and they were ashamed.  So, in an effort to hide their nakedness, they made "clothing" out of leaves.  Knowing that God would see right through their feeble effort to cover up the fact that they had not trusted God, they hid from Him (Gen. 3:7-10).  Of course, hiding does no good if you are going to answer when your name is called!

I suspect that, just as Adam and his wife made excuses, blaming someone else for their sin, men and women will do the same thing at the final judgment.  And, just like Adam and his wife, none will be able to blame God, not even Satan!  All sin is a failure to trust and obey God's Word; all sin is, if Galatians 5:14 is correct (and it is), our failure to love others more than we love ourselves (see also Mt. 25:31-46; Jam. 4:17)!
"But if...ye have sinned against the LORD...be sure your sin will find you out!"
 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins...."

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