Monday, December 31, 2012


Have you ever noticed, at this time of year, that the News media tend to forget that they are the "news media," and spend much time and space on the past?  They have names for it like "the year in retrospect," or "the year in review," and most of their recollections are focused upon tragedies like flood, hurricanes, mass murders, etc., instead of ending the year on a positive note.  Meanwhile, we get few current events, and what we do get has to do with fiscal cliffs, shootings, our local team's recent losses, and bad weather forecasts.  Is it any wonder why people want a new year to begin?
Well, for my last post of this year in which the world did not end (I realize it is only 3:44 a.m. on December 31st, and there is still time for it to do so), I would like to remember the "good stuff" the Lord has allowed me and mine to experience.  Remember, if I forget something that was important to you this past year, I am seventy; my memory is not as good as yours.  And that usually is a good thing! 
This year, we saw our sixth great grandchild born, and it seems that with each addition to the family, they get prettier.  Of course, her parents are not hard on these old eyes, so of course she is beautiful.
This year, we saw our fourth grandchild get married to our beautiful Samantha, and I expect their first child, "whenever she finally gets around to becoming "with child," will be even better looking than our beautiful Audrey.
This year, my wife and I celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary by going on a Caribbean cruise paid for by our oldest daughter and her husband.  In addition, they went with us to insure that their "senile parents" would be able to "navigate" (pun intended) the complicated requirements of our government's "red tape," and the proper etiquette of ship-board life.  We were grateful for both!  And, although our time in the Bahama's was cut short by hurricane Sandy, we still were able to enjoy the entire cruise experience the full five days.  And, praise the Lord, none of us got sea-sick!
This year, our family get-to-gethers were civil and very enjoyable (which has not always been the case).  None of our family left us, and the Lord continues to grant us all new days in which to praise Him for sending His Son, Jesus, that we might have eternal life when this sojourn is over.
I don't know what 2013 holds for me and mine, but I am 100% confident that the One who holds us in the palm of His hands, will work ALL things together for good because I love Him!  My hope and prayer is that all are ready for His Son's return, because, believe it or not, we are one year closer to that glorious day!
We can't change the past.  We can't control the future.
     But we can offer every day we have left to the Lord!     

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