Tuesday, November 13, 2012


When I entered seminary, my intention was to prepare to serve the Lord as a Christian Counselor.  I had taken seventy-seven hours of the Social Sciences in college, with enough to have majored in both Sociology and Psychology.  I thought I could help other Christians deal with the difficulties of living the Christian life.  However, upon purchasing the required textbook for my first class, I happened to read the author's description of his book.  He said, "This book is the only book the Christian Counselor will ever need."  I was shocked!  I fully agreed with him that only one book was needed, but for me, that book was the Bible.  I dropped the class and changed my "major."

As I see it, there are two diametrically opposed approaches to Christian Counseling.  The first focuses on building up one's self-esteem.  It attempts to portray the born again believer as though he is always filled with the Spirit, and emphasizes his wisdom, strength, courage, purity, and in the end, he becomes proud.  He thinks the Church, and for that matter, God is "lucky to have him." 

The other sees self-esteem as the root of pride, causing the believer to rely upon himself rather than upon the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.  This approach reminds the believer that it was grace (God's unmerited favor) that saved the poor wretches that we all are (Num. 11:15; Rom. 7:24; Rev. 3:17).  It teaches that although born again believers are filled with the Holy Spirit at salvation, unfortunately, we "leak."  We constantly must battle to overcome the flesh within us which fights against the Spirit (Rom. 7:14-25; 1 Jn. 1:8 - 2:2).  It recognizes that Christians who were filled with the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, needed to be "refilled" many times (Acts 2:4; 4:8; 9:17; 13:9; Eph. 5:18).

You don't need a "Christian Counselor" to help you!
If you want to know where you are in your spiritual growth,
you must keep looking at yourself in the mirror of God's Word (Jam. 1:22-25)!


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