Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Many English versions of the Bible entitle the fifth book of the New Testament, "The Acts of the Apostles," and anyone familiar with its text understands why.  Acts is the History of the first century Church, during which the Apostles established the Church in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and began taking it to the "uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:8; 2:5; 5:16; 8:14; 10:45).  However, when one examines Acts closely, it soon becomes obvious that all that the Apostles did (and did not do), was directed by, and empowered by, the Holy Spirit. 

* It was the Spirit who gave them the gift of salvation (2:28; Eph. 2:8; etc.).

* It was the Spirit who baptized them (1:5; Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:27; Eph. 4:5; etc.).

* It was the Spirit who filled them (2:4; 4:8, 31; 6:5; 7:55; 9:17; 11:24; etc.).

* It was the Spirit who pressed them to speak (18:5).

* It was the Spirit who made them fervent and diligent (18:25).

* It was the Spirit Jesus used to direct them (1:2; 8:29; 11:12; 13:2; etc.).

* It was the Spirit who hindered their movements (16:6-7; etc.).

* It was the Spirit who transported Philip (8:39).

* It was the Spirit who gave them utterance (2:4; 6:10; 21:4; etc.).

* It was the Spirit who empowered them (1:8; 4:33; 6:8; etc.).

* It was the Spirit who comforted them (9:31).

* It was the Spirit who was THE Witness (5:32).

Is the Holy Spirit doing these things through you?
Are you bearing the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)?
If not, you might not be born again of the Spirit (Jn. 3:3-9)!

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